Stepping Out Theatre Inc.

About Us ...

Over its life Stepping Out Theatre has undergone three name changes:

1988 - 1992 ALSO STARRING INC.



We are a community based, not-for-profit theatre organisation, committed to providing an affordable, local, theatrical experience for people of all ages or colours, in the spirit of innovation and fun.

We are committed to perform plays written not only by professional playwrights, but also those penned by our own members.

We provide an empty stage for anybody to explore whatever aspect of theatre might interest them, providing opportunities for personal challenge and success in learning new skills.

No experience is necessary, as we learn from each other.

Some of our members have extensive experience and qualifications in teaching, and are willing and able to undertake directing adult’s theatre as well as children’s school holiday drama classes and plays.

We have adopted the Old District Hall, on Berowra Waters Road as our ‘Home’. Rehearsals are held in the Community Hall in Gully Road Berowra.

We carry $20,000,000 in public liability insurance.

Our income is derived from membership fees, door takings and at times, children’s school holiday drama classes.

Expenses are predominantly for rent of rehearsal and performance spaces, and the purchase of performance rights.

An annual statement is forwarded to the department of fair trading.

Our expenses are kept low, as we own a lot of our equipment:
  • Black curtains sufficient to black out the 4 walls of the hall
  • Modern LED lighting, and sound equipment
  • Access to a room full of costumes and props collected over the years by one of our founding members.

We are indebted to the good will of the various members who have undertaken to store this equipment in safety, and at no cost to us.

An annually elected committee of 6 oversees the official decision-making, record-keeping, and for compliance with Department of Fair-Trading requirements.

The committee comprises:
  • The chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Membership secretary
  • Plus 2 ordinary members,
other areas of decision making and action are undertaken by ordinary members as the need arises.

Committee Meetings are held every two months and, although everyone is welcome, voting is restricted to financial members.

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